Memorandum Gemeenschapsonderwijs

Ferme publicaties voor een krachtig beleid

The GO! Education of the Flemish Community - GO! for short - is constantly working on the education of the future. Education is the most powerful weapon we have to change the world of tomorrow. Once every five years the GO! compiles all meaningful proposals to the Flemish government into a Memorandum and a List of Demands.

Een schat aan informatie bondig gebundeld

This intensive participation programme lasted for many months and the contributions of many thousands of education professionals, students and parents yielded a wealth of information. In order to streamline and structure the proposals and translate them into an inspiring and visually pleasing policy document, the GO! enlisted the help of Xpair for the 2019-2024 Memorandum and List of Demands.

Met een hart voor de lezer en de natuur

The Indrukkerij printed and distributed the magazines. The choice fell on a practical and striking square format. The ecological high-quality paper invites the reader to consult the Memorandum and the List of Demands as often as necessary.

Het GO! op zijn mooist

In light of the Memorandum and the List of Demands, the GO!’s board of directors posed for the PiXpair lens.



100 SNOW magazine

De mooiste zoektocht van Vlaanderen

ETION newspaper supplement

Knack Historia

Laakdal Leeft

Memorandum Gemeenschapsonderwijs



Witte Goud en Groene Gordel

De veerkracht van sociale ondernemingen

Nieuwe toekomst voor een erfgoedparel

3. VERSO VERSTERKT - Informatieverspreiding en sensibilisering (2021)

Intro (2023)








Push to partner up